A Formal Handshake

March 26, 2010 § 4 Comments

Everything has a beginning, Let this be ours.

Confession, alas, is the new handshake.

I have a few questions that trouble me in my sleep.

  • What is Love? – Is it a chemical malfunction in the body, or is it a spiritual experience?

– If  it is a spiritual experience, why is that all religious heads deny love and promote virginity?

  • What is Education? – Is it an exercise to increase one’s memory, or is it supposed to teach one to live a moral life?

– If it is supposed to teach one to live a moral life, then why is it that all highly qualified people employ dirty tactics in their everyday life?

  • What is a language? – Is it a means to communicate with someone, or is it an object that people can show off?

– If it is a means to communicate with someone, then why is it that we stress upon the diction as well as the right words with the knowledge of the fact that the recipient will understand in any condition.

While you guys wonder, I will go off to a tight sleep after a long time.

§ 4 Responses to A Formal Handshake

  • Zuber says:


  • ginni says:

    hmmm..food for thought…atypical Sid..

  • Mallika says:

    Love is a mixture of both, chemicals and emotions, both intertwined to form a scientific yet spiritual experience.

    and dont attempt to decipher it all… there’s magic in mystery 🙂

  • alright.. my brain cant rest.. whats emotion?? again an interplay of chemicals…
    whats spiritual to us?? a reaction that makes us reach equillibrium..
    whats magic?? reaction again.. or something unexplained..
    why do we like magic? cos we want to know whats missing.. we r intrigued… denying us that info doesnt make sense to me.. hmm.. same thing about mystery.. intriguing and why deny?

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